The Byron Park Plan

Local residents engaging with the site model
In 2016 Periscope was commissioned by Harrow Council for The Byron Park plan. This work followed on from our previous work on the Byron Quarter. The outcome of this work is a framework plan for a seven hectare park, including kiosks, a bowls club and other leisure facilities. We also worked with Harrow Councuil’s SuDs team to integrate a large pluvial water attenuation feature into the park, this includes new wetlands, a bridge and seasonal meadow. The purpose of including these works was to protect homes in the borough, we developed this potential constraint into an opportunity to re-cast the recreation ground as a park with more varied character and spatial experience.
We have been responsible for engaging 7 local stakeholder groups, statutory consultees (Environment Agency, Sport England), many Council departments and local residents. Consultation formats have ranged from one-to-one workshops, topic-specific working groups and public exhibitions. The output of the study was a report detailing a menu of costed interventions paired with grant funding opportunities.
Client | Harrow Council |
Year | 2017 |
Project Value | £1m |
Sector | Park / Public Realm |
Service | Landscape Architecture |