A Table for All of Us

Parent at Parents Coffee Morning piggy back event

Postcards from the future
Reading list
The Ladder of Citizen Participation - Sherry Arnstein
The Negotiation of Hope - Jeremy Till
Falling on Deaf Ears - Jeremy Till
Participatory Design and Environmental Justice: Pas de Deux or Time to Change Partners? - Randolph T. Hester
Politics of the Everyday - Ezio Manzini
Design When Everybody Designs - Ezio Manzini
Freedom to Build, Housing as a Verb - John F. C. Turner
Death and Life of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs
A Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction - Ursula K. Le Guin
Braiding Sweetgrass Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific knowledge and the Teachings of Plants - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Younger generations, the most creative demographics, are rarely invited to share their ideas about the city. How would cities look and feel if they were heard?

Our initial sketches of a community engagement reference guide: