The boreal forest is the biggest land biome on Earth, circling the breath of the northern hemisphere. It covers a fifth of the globe and comprises one third of all the trees on Earth.
Our 16 day expedition into the heart of the Canadian boreal took us deep into a dendrological past, treading through sped-up seasons, slowed-down centuries and time-defying celestial wonders. The largest expanse of intact old-growth forest left in the world, the Canadian Boreal is often referred to as 'The Last Forest'. The forest is circa 10 000 years old, however few individual trees live beyond the length of a human lifespan. A regular cyclical system of forest fires and parasitic disease instigates mass wipe-outs every 75-100 years. We walk amongst beings of a similar age to ourselves, but with the accumulated knowledge of a hundred generations.
A breath of air here awakes a whole new set of senses. With our eyes to the sky and our noses to the ground, we tread in awe of the oldest and greatest civilisation on Earth.