Concrete Aggregates
Our site observations for a project in Barking led us to explore the use of concrete as a seamless surface across the entire ground plane.
We developed a mix using 50% site won recycled aggregates (a crushed power station) and 50% virgin Thames river gravels in varying sizes from adjacent to the site.
We also tested a large flint aggregate from further west in the Thames watercourse.
Prototypes in self-colour steel, concrete, brick, gravel.

Prototype 3.01 - Wet
(Carriageway Type B):
1 part standard grey portland cement
2 parts Coarse Sharp Sand
2.4 parts 60-80mm recycled concrete
0.8 parts 20/40mm recycled concrete
0.8 parts 20/40mm shingle

Prototype 3.02 - Wet
(Carriageway Type A):
1 part standard grey portland cement
2 parts Coarse Sharp Sand
1.2 parts 40/60mm recycled concrete
1.2 parts 20/40mm shingle
0.8 parts 20/40mm recycled concrete
0.8 parts 10/20mm shingle

Prototype 3.03 - Wet
(Carriageway Type C):
1 part standard grey portland cement
2 parts Coarse Sharp Sand
1.6 parts 20/40mm recycled concrete
1.6 parts 10/20mm shingle
0.4 parts 6/20mm recycled concrete
0.2 parts 4/10mm Natural Pea Beach pebbles
0.2 parts 6mm grit

Prototype 3.04 - Wet
(Carriageway Type D):
1 part standard grey portland cement
2 parts Coarse Sharp Sand
1.6 parts 6/20mm recycled concrete aggregate
0.8 parts 4/10mm Natural Pea Beach pebbles
0.8 parts 6mm grit
0.4 parts 20/40mm recycled concrete
0.4 parts 10/20mm shingle