Walk + Talk
[00:42:00] Okay. Right. And I don't go in there, look here. Yeah. What's the name of them again?
[00:42:06] Woodpeckers?
[00:42:08] They make nests in the same place every year. Okay so you’ll come along and find one tree with loads of holes in it.
[00:42:14] So are these ones here are two different years?
[00:42:19] Yes, two different homes. You can find them if you're walking along and when they’re knocking them out, there'll suddenly be a lot of fresh wood on the floor.
[00:42:24] Okay
[00:42:26] Okay so yeah you know to look for the wood. A dead silver birch is perfect, just before it falls down because it’s quite easy to hollow out. I would come back year after year and so would they.
[00:42:46] You get to know each other. It's a bit like tracking?
[00:42:51] Yeah, tracking. That's exactly what it is. That's exactly what it's doing. Tracking.
Extract from our walk + talk transcription on 17.09.20 with Joanna Jackson, Nature Photographer and Richmond Park daily walker for thirty-five years. Our park conversations form part of our Autumn 2020 Research Publication: Green for Victory.

We venture off the overgrown footpaths with our well-trodden guide